West Columbus School
Date of Report: 11/15/2023
Vision: West Columbus School knows, supports, and challenges all students to rise to their fullest potential.

Mission: West Columbus School is committed to cultivating an inclusive environment for lifelong learners, who are adaptable, resilient, productive, and of high moral character.

1. By the close of school for the 2023-2024 school year, students at WCS will consistently demonstrate behaviors that reflect a respectful, responsible, safe, and “Ready to Learn” school climate. The desired outcome for student referrals and suspensions is no more than 40 major office referrals per month schoolwide, with an overall total for the school year to not exceed 400, for the 2023-24 school year. (30% decrease)

Performance Indicator: A1.07: ALL teachers employ effective classroom management and reinforce classroom rules and procedures by positively teaching them. (5088)

Data Source: PBIS Matrix
Baseline Year: 2022

2. For the 2023-2024 SY, WCS will have a school performance score of 41% or higher. To achieve this goal, WCS will reach a school achievement score of 37% which is an increase of 2.4%, and a school growth score of 63% which is an increase of 13%, as measured by EOG testing.

Performance Indicator: A2.01: Instructional Teams meet regularly (e.g., twice a month or more for 45 minutes each meeting) to review implementation of effective practice and student progress. (5091)

Data Source: PLC Agendas/Minutes
Baseline Year: 2022

Performance Indicator: C2.01: The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs. (5159)

Data Source: BOY Test Data
Baseline Year: 2022

3. WCS will address the inclusive cultural needs utilizing a diverse group of school personnel and community stakeholders, with an 80% success rate by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.

Performance Indicator: A4.22: All teachers are responsive to students’ cultural backgrounds and incorporate culturally-relevant material in their classrooms. (6824)

Data Source: School Equity Needs Assessment Survey
Baseline Year: 2022

Our Leadership Team’s progress in fully implementing Indicators and meeting Objectives:

Selected Indicators:
Curriculum and instructional alignment
Instructional Teams meet regularly (e.g., twice a month or more for 45 minutes each meeting) to review implementation of effective practice and student progress.(5091)
High expectations for all staff and students
ALL teachers employ effective classroom management and reinforce classroom rules and procedures by positively teaching them.(5088)
Quality of professional development
The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs.(5159)
Student support services
All teachers are responsive to students’ cultural backgrounds and incorporate culturally-relevant material in their classrooms. (6824)